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Reaching Higher Ground

Reaching Higher Ground

LHASA, China. Erik Weihenmayer is a mountain climber. He is also blind.Erik has climbed Mount Everest. Everest is 29,000 feet tall. It is the world's highest mountain. Erik reached the top. He is the first blind man to do this. Erik then took on a new challenge. He led others on a climb. The climbers were six teens. They were also blind. They came from Tibet. Erik led the teens up a different mountain. It was next to Everest. This mountain was 23,000 feet high. They climbed for three weeks. None of them reached the top. But all were proud of their accomplishment. A film was made about the teens. It's called Blindsight. It shows the challenges the teens face.They face challenges every day. It also tells the story of their climb.

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